WafflesMapleSyrup’s Evolution: Sweet Adventures, Epic Tales

Hey everyone, Syrup & Waffles of WafflesMapleSyrup here! We’re thrilled to announce a sweet update – a refined mission statement and tagline that better reflects who we are and the kind of adventures we create together.

As many of you know, both Waffles’ & Syrup’s Jewish identity plays a core part in our values and experience. It shapes our approach to storytelling, community building, and the overall spirit we bring to the table.

We’ve always strived to bring you high-quality Pathfinder TTRPG content with creative and engaging storytelling. Our livestreams on Twitch are a cornerstone of this, helping us foster a vibrant, inclusive community where everyone feels welcome.

Now, our mission statement puts these core values into even sharper focus:

WafflesMapleSyrup crafts high-quality Pathfinder TTRPG content, brimming with positive energy, creative storytelling, and engaging characters. Livestreamed on Twitch, we foster a vibrant community that empowers underrepresented voices and champions inclusivity, reflecting the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam – repairing the world, one epic tale at a time.

This statement encapsulates our commitment to:

  • Quality Content: We pour our hearts into crafting Pathfinder adventures that are both entertaining and well-produced.
  • Positive Vibes: We believe in creating a welcoming and upbeat atmosphere where everyone feels safe to share their stories.
  • Compelling Characters: Our stories are driven by memorable individuals who face challenges, forge bonds, and embody the spirit of Tikkun Olam.
  • Inclusive Community: We champion inclusivity and celebrate the diversity of voices within the TTRPG community.
  • Tikkun Olam: This Jewish value, meaning “repairing the world,” is at the heart of everything we do. We strive to use our platform to promote positive change and inclusivity, making the world a better place, one epic tale at a time.

Our new tagline, “WafflesMapleSyrup: Sweet Adventures, Epic Tales”, is a playful nod to our name and captures the essence of what we offer. We’re all about creating unforgettable stories that are both engaging and heartwarming.

This update isn’t just about the words we use to describe ourselves; it’s a reaffirmation of the values that have always guided us. We’re excited to continue crafting these sweet adventures with you! Stay tuned for more epic tales, positive vibes, and a welcoming community.

In the meantime, let us know in the comments below what you think of our update!

Much Love,

Photo of Syrup & Waffles

Syrup & Waffles



WafflesMapleSyrup crafts high-quality Pathfinder TTRPG content, brimming with positive energy, creative storytelling, and engaging characters. Livestreamed on Twitch, we foster a vibrant community that empowers underrepresented voices and champions inclusivity, reflecting the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam – repairing the world, one epic tale at a time.